Updated: Dec 21, 2022
This music video for Giant Wast of a Man was officially released on July 29th, 2022.
Working on this production was a real treat as it gave me the opportunity to have my first experience collaborating with the director Raechel Zrzynski. I had met Raechel before through mutual friends and colleagues, but was still surprised and excited to hear that she wanted to work together.
As tends to be the case with lower-budget, independent productions, things didn't always go according to plan. Still, Raechel easily demonstrated why she is held in such high regard by our mutual contacts as she stayed cool under pressure and achieved her vision for this music video.
I gather the band Giant Waste of a Man is as satisfied with the end result as the collective cast and crew felt about the experience of collaborating with one another to make it a reality.
I hope you'll take a minute to give it a watch/listen and check out the talented creatives credited for being a part of making it all come together in
the Cast/Crew list below that also includes Instagram Handles.
I'm beyond thankful for the opportunity to work with everyone listed and look forward to the day when we can all collaborate again in the future!

Director/editor - Raechel Zarzynski - @raezar
Cinematographer/colrist - Katie Eleneke - @keleneke
Production Designer - Courtney Stepleton - @courtneystepletonart
B Cam - @spiraliris
Gaffer - Wendy-Sème Orleans - @w.orleans
Grip - @lelleseg
Adrianna Gentile - @theadriannagentile
le’lani - @lel4ni
Sonja O'hara - @sonjakohara
Caroline Blaike - @the.blaike
Clayton Stocker Myers - @actorcsm
Chimele George - @chimelegeorge
Jason Kurth - @thecontinuouskurth
Band: @giantwasteofman
members: @goatparade, @hanahdarling, @brandonhardyy, @chainlettercollective
I have to get fucked up to fall asleep And roll the dice I better not fucking dream
I taste the blood and fire on my tongue
I live to make some other daddy cum
Because my life ain’t worth nothing
Everywhere I look there’s nothing to love
You can’t cheat a dam without causing a flood
So kill the billionaires and bathe in their blood
Because their lives are worth nothing