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CHARACTER TYPE - Intelligent, Grieving, Caring Boyfriend, Doctor, Dramatic Lead

GENRE - Drama

CHARACTER TYPE - Broken Hearted, Haunted, Obsessed, Dramatic Lead

GENRE - Drama

CHARACTER TYPE - Lovestruck, Isolated, Romantic Lead
GENRE - Romantic Comedy

CHARACTER TYPE - Intelligent, Socially Awkward, Befuddled, Full of Good Intentions, Supporting Comedic

GENRE - Drama

CHARACTER TYPE - Self-Involved, Explosive, Millennial 

GENRE - Drama

CHARACTER TYPE - Morally + Existentially Compromised Husband

GENRE - Drama

CHARACTER TYPE - Shy, Drug Dealer with a Heart of Gold
GENRE - Drama

CHARACTER TYPE - Shy, Drug Dealer with a Heart of Gold
GENRE - Drama

CHARACTER TYPE - Shy, Drug Dealer with a Heart of Gold
GENRE - Drama

CHARACTER TYPE - Selfish, Driven, Negotiating Lawyer
GENRE - Drama

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