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CHARACTER TYPE - Intelligent, Socially Awkward, Befuddled, Full of Good Intentions, Supporting Comedic
GENRE - Drama

CHARACTER TYPE - Office Screw-Up, Well Intentioned, Sufferer of Foot-In-Mouth Syndrome
GENRE - Comedy

CHARACTER TYPE - Supporting Best Friend, Sarcastic Truth Teller, a Goofball Capable of Tough Love
GENRE - Drama

CHARACTER TYPE - Loyal, Sarcastic, Supportive, Best Friend
GENRE - Drama / Action / Adventure

CHARACTER TYPE - Desperate to Please, Over-Compensating, Runt, Best Friend
GENRE - Comedy

CHARACTER TYPE - Desperate to Please, Over-Compensating, Runt, Best Friend
GENRE - Comedy

CHARACTER TYPE - Desperate to Please, Over-Compensating, Runt, Best Friend
GENRE - Comedy

CHARACTER TYPE - Misogynistic, Dude-Bro, Yuppy, Gossip, Know It All (That Really Doesn't Know Much At All)
GENRE - Comedic Horror

CHARACTER TYPE - Douchey, Frat Boy, Bro
GENRE - Romantic Comedy / Drama

CHARACTER TYPE - Blue Collar, Delivery Guy, Just Trying To Make It To The End Of His Shift.
GENRE - Romantic Comedy / Drama

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