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Updated: Oct 26, 2022

In Photo (Left to Right): Elizabeth Wright, Clayton Stocker Myers, Andrew Yanker, Eileen Chase, David Brice-Miller

Screenshot pulled from footage captured by: Brian Antezana

Before I get too deep into the class itself, I'd be overlooking an important detail were I not to mention The Actors Company first and foremost! Not only have their classes been a comparably affordable option since having moved to Los Angeles, but I would also go as far to say that they offer the most bang for one's buck. During the lockdown of 2020 into 2021, I had taken classes for both Animation as well as Commercial Voiceover acting that resulted in my current VO Demos (as part of the classes), but also was asked to join the roster of the Coast To Coast Talent Group as a result. Of course, I can't forget the fact that I also made some really lovely friends that I've been so happy to actually get to meet in person and support the artistic pursuits of since lockdown has been uplifted. With that in mind, I couldn't have been more excited to take part in an eight week class, in-person, with two of my closest friends in LA as well as six other talented creative individuals. For the first six weeks, we all came to class with a new sketch we had written. By the end of the sixth day, we each chose one of our six sketches to produce and perform together. The seventh week was one day of tech rehearsal and then six more days of the classmates organizing our own rehearsals on our own time (some via Zoom, some in person), and finally on week 8, we performed nice sketches for an excellent audience who were kind enough to come ready to laugh! To say we learned a lot would be an understatement. I'm grateful for not only the crash course in sketch comedy writing from a mentor as experienced and encouraging as Guy Stevenson, but also for the opportunity to create, collaborate, and perform with classmates I'm delighted to be able to now think of as friends. If you're bummed you missed the show, don't worry. Close friend and classmate Eileen Chase had the foresight to have Brian Antezana record the one-time performance and I've provided the video below along with a breakdown of the sketches, and the Instagram handles of each writer/performer. So don't forget to follow and let them know how much you liked their work! I hope you enjoy!

Video Footage Captured by: Brian Antezana - @antezanabrian

SHOWCASE SKETCHES (In Order Of Appearance + Instagram Handles of Each Writer) 1. “Family Photo Intervention” by Clayton Stocker Myers - @ActorCSM 2. “The Conductor” by Mariah Tzoumbas - @mariahtzoumbas 3. “The Office Ordeal” by Elizabeth Wright - @The1bethwright 4. “Frankie at Camp” by Simon Sorrells - @simonsorrells 5. “Delivery” by Eileen Chase - 6. “Best Man’s Obsession” by Monnie Aleahmad - @monniealeahmad 7. “Moose-Capades” by David Brice-Miller - @thee_oohwee 8. “Holding The Line” by Brandy Lamkin - @brandy.lamkin 9. “El Moleste” by Andrew Yanker - @andrewyanker SPECIAL THANKS to The Actors Company and Guy Stevenson for the opportunity to learn and grow as individual artists and collaborators! To Sam Medina in the box, and to You, the audience. This would have been a futile exercise without your presence and laughter.


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